Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Day at the Office

Or not. We're in week 6 of a transit strike that has lengthened our commute time from 45mins. each way to 2 hours. So most of the time, I work from home because loosing 4 hours a day to the commute isn't my idea of a good use of my time. We also have the reality of having to pick the girls up from the village day care by 5:45 each day just to add to our scheduling headaches.
This morning, Murray headed out at 8:00 and called to say he got out to the main road, saw two lanes of traffic at a complete stand still, and decided to turn around and come back home. So here we are looking out the window at the falling snow ( above is the view from the kitchen doors) and working remotely. It's not bad, you can wander into the kitchen whenever you like and make a cup of tea, and the dog is certainly happy to have us here. Still, I'd like to get back into the office. I'm beginning to get cabin fever.

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