Dinner Sunday night. Paris has the world’s best chicken. We found one of those trattiors on rue du Buci that have the chicken roasting cabinets outside. The kind where they roast not only chickens but have a pan of potatoes under the chickens so that the potatoes roast in the chicken fat. Bliss That a salad and a bottle of vin makes the perfect meal. It was a great way to round out a very soggy day in Paris. We spent all day walking, which more of less was the idea, but we’d headed out in the morning to go to Saint Chapelle. Google said it was a 26 minute walk from the apartment, but Google hadn’t counted on how directionally challenged Kate and I are, so it took about 4 hours - mind you we window shopped, stopped for coffee and browsed in books stores, but still. Getting back was also a challenge, but by then the girl GPS kicked in - oh I remember this shop, it has the cute dress in the window we must be headed in the right direction because we passed this on our way out this morning. We finally got back to the apartment, dried our soggy shoes out under the rads and settled in for a nice quiet night chez nous.
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