Friday, October 28, 2011


Well after a long absence, my first blog entry in what, 18 months? Somehow I just ran out of stream, although I doubt mine is the only blog out there who has been abandoned by its writer.

Be that as it may, I'm back with something to write about as I'm in Europe for two weeks. Basel and Paris to be exact. I'm in Basel for business. I love the city. It has an old town core with winding streets, and beautiful cathedral at its heart.

I'm also loving being back in a part of the world where spatzle is served with almost every entree, and if it's not spaztle, then it's rosti. It's the middle of hunting season here, so the menus are filled with venison. I've feasted on hirsh this and hirsh that almost every night. I could quit literally eat my way across Europe if given half the chance.

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