Saturday, November 13, 2010

Paris dans la Pluie

Another grey rainy day. It’s not like I wasn’t expecting this, you go to Paris in November, you have to put up with bad weather. Still, as I said before rainy and grey in Paris is better than rainy and grey in Ottawa. Anyway, today is our shopping day, so we’ll be inside most of the day. I’m suffering from the cold Murray so kindly gave. me. Quelching around in the rain all day yesterday certainly didn’t help. It had more of less been kept at bay until last night when I started sneezing and streaming. I took a long hot bath, drank some Neo Citron, which I had the foresight to bring along, and went to bed, I woke up this morning feeling no better at all but decided to do what I usually do when I’m sick, just ignore it and hope it will go away. If I’m not better tomorrow morning, I’ll go into a Pharmacy and try to get something to clear up the congestion - the French are such hypochondriacs that they’re bound to have some great over the counter medicine to speed my recovery.

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