Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Morning at the General Store

On Friday, I stopped into JT Bradley's general store (aka, the hub of village life), and noticed a new sign in the parking lot.

Today I saw the occupant of this new parking space. Its rider was inside enjoying a coffee and chin wag with the regulars at the store, while his trusty steed waited patiently in its appointed spot. I think they need to install a hay crib so the horse can have a little snack too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shrove Tuesday in the Village - Clowns and Clergy

Besides making a giant pancake dinner for everyone, some of the guys like to get into the spirit of Mardi Gras and don clown costumes, last year they even gave out beads - luckily we didn't have to do anything to get them.

Shrove Tuesday in the Village

Pancakes for everyone - Murray was part of the all-guy kitchen crew.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making your own fun

This isn't a great picture, but you get the idea. The sun finally came out after about 6 weeks of cloudy overcast skies, and all the neighbourhood kids came out with it. This was a Friday afternoon, all the girls were having a great time sliding down our icy drive - with Mummy standing at the bottom as a human bumper to keep little ones from skittling out into the street. When the sun set, we headed indoors for dinner in front of the fire. Perfect end to a perfect day.