The party season for us usually starts in late November with the Austrian Winter Ball in Montreal, but this year, we kicked things off early and travelled to Toronto for the Bell Celebrity Gala, which benefits the Hospital for Sick Children. With the re-
orgs at Bell, Murray has found himself even more involved in the Bell-sponsored events than ever.
The theme was the Big Top, and the dress code was 'Black Tie or Circus Chic.' That had me stumped, but in the end I got a lovely Nanette
Lapore lace dress that fit the bill nicely. What a night, there were acrobats, a midway, roller coaster, semi naked caged models in body paint, fashion, food, and fun. It's going to make the Winter Ball seem awfully staid by comparison.
Here's a picture of us - I'm on the right, Murray's colleague Jacqueline is on the left.
This picture of the table setting doesn't really do it justice. It was awesome.