Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Country Morning
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone
The girls are 7 this year and still believe in Santa Claus, although Sarah is not too sure about those ‘helper Santas’ she sees in the malls. Mind you, we haven’t let them near a mall Santa since their JK Christmas field trip to the Cumberland Heritage Village museum, when Caroline told the Santa there not to bring her Mummy any more underwear. The previous Christmas she had been wondering why Santa gave Mummy so much underwear, and I told her I suspected that Santa thought Mummy needed lots of little bits of lace. Anyway, Caroline made sure she set Santa straight the next time she saw him. This of course was relayed back to me by the mothers who had volunteered to help that day. Santa obviously didn’t take the hint, as I received more lacey bits that year and Caroline was totally baffled. When our rector asked her after last year’s Christmas Eve service what she thought Mummy would get for Christmas, she just heaved an exasperated sigh, and said “Oh, probably more underwear.” It’s a wonder I can still show my face around this village.
Dodgy mall Santas or not, the girls still believe and both have already written their letters. Sarah is very concerned because she only realized after she mailed hers that she misspelled horse. Instead of asking Santa for a real horse, a white one if he can manage it, she asked for a real hose. She’s been going around for the past week, slapping her forehead and saying, “ I can’t believe I left out the R”. Meanwhile, I’m gift wrapping a length of rubber tubing. I understand she plans to name it Snowflake.
As for a horse with an R, I’ve explained that Santa has to check all requests for pets and other four-legged creatures (like the reindeer Caroline asked for) with Mummies and Daddies, and we don’t think she’s old enough to have her own horse quite yet. For one thing she has to be tall enough to saddle up by herself. I figure that alone ought to buy me at least 10 years. Besides, we’ve already given in to the dog lobby, so I think we’ve done our bit. Hopefully waking up Christmas morning and not finding a horse and reindeer stabled in the garage won’t be too much of a disappointment.
So as the weeks leading up to Christmas fill with wishes big and hay-eating, and small and lacey, the ‘helper’ Santas in our household work tirelessly to keep the magic alive while hoping to impress upon our two little letter writers that it’s not what you get that’s important. After I explained about the horse and reindeer thing, new letters were written. This time it wasn’t just a list of I wants, but a request to bring presents for everyone in the family, and one ends like this:
Thank you Santa,
p.s.: You may take the cookies home, and take a bag of them to share. We left stuff for the reindeer too.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Comes to the Village, IV
The Joys of Dog Ownership, it's Going to be a Long Winter
Yes, walking the dog when it's -21C is a real treat. The weather turned very cold over the weekend and it's certainly been a challenge taking Poppy out for her twice daily walks. Especially since she's decided that it's much too cold outside to attend to her business. She just scampers through the snow trailing a frozen owner at the end of her leash until we give up and come home. Murray came back Sunday night with a good case of hypothermia and had to soak in a warm tub to defrost.
This picture is of me this morning. The blunked out little orphan Annie eyeballs are because my glasses were all frosted over. Brrrrrr
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday Gallery Opening

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

Monday, November 24, 2008
The Montreal Vienese Ball

While we were yodeling it up in Montreal, the girls were having a sleep over at Uncle Rob and Auntie Claire’s . They had such a great time they didn’t want to leave. Claire gave them a cardboard box, and a bunch of craft supplies and helped them make a doll house. It has a staircase, chandeliers and is fully furnished. They’re adding a stable block and pool next.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Christmas Comes to the Village III
Hot on the heels of the ACW Tea and Bazaar comes the Navan Christmas Craft Fair. Those who get my Christmas letter will be familiar now with my rant about the amount of baking I have to do for the Sparks/Brownies bake table at the craft fair each year. For those who aren't it's two items for the bake table and one for the lunch counter, PER CHILD. I'm usually my own worst enemy, going all Martha Stewart and hand decorating 75 gingerbread snowflake cookie tree ornaments or some such lunacy, but this year I was sensible and went with less labour intensive items like mini cranberry orange pound cakes.
The sale runs Saturday and Sunday, and we decided to meet after the girls various lessons Saturday to have lunch and shop. One of the things I got that I'm really tickled with are these hand made Christmas cards. I plan to use them for our friends in the US and Europe whose cards have to be sent nice and early so they'll arrive in time. Well that's the plan anyway, even with the best of intentions, I'll be lucky if I can get them done in time for New Years'.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Christmas Comes to the Village II

All in all, a great way to spend an afternoon.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Christmas Comes to the Village I

The store looks amazing decked out in its holiday finery. Even if you missed the party, you must make a day trip out to the village to have a browse or by a few goodies for the holidays. Why not do it this Saturday and take in the St. Mary's Church Tea and Bazaar, while you're at it? I'll be there serving from 2-4!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Country Living Must Haves
Our new generator is now installed along side the air conditioner. In the country there are two issues that are uppermost in everyone's minds, plumbing and power. Since moving here four years ago we've had to suffer through fairly frequent power outages. In most cases they are 'planned maintenance' outages courtesy of Hydro One. These planned outages are usually Sunday mornings from 5:00 am to 9:00am, although they never manage to keep to their schedule. In most cases we are without power until noon. Now when you have no power in the country, you also have no water (the pump for the well runs on electricity) and no sump pump, so things can move from inconvenient to emergency pretty quickly. And, in a region that remembers the Ice Storm and Big Blackout of 2002, it's really tempting fate not to have any sort of backup power source. All this is to say that after four years of living recklessly, we finally invested in a natural gas-powered generator that kicks in as soon as the electricity cuts out. Murray says with our luck, this pretty much ensures that Navan will never have another power outage again.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
It's Ball Season Again
The theme was the Big Top, and the dress code was 'Black Tie or Circus Chic.' That had me stumped, but in the end I got a lovely Nanette Lapore lace dress that fit the bill nicely. What a night, there were acrobats, a midway, roller coaster, semi naked caged models in body paint, fashion, food, and fun. It's going to make the Winter Ball seem awfully staid by comparison.

This picture of the table setting doesn't really do it justice. It was awesome.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Horse Show Fun

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fall Bonfires, and Movies in the Back Yard

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I Love Paris in the Fall

So, here's a recap. The whole family packed up and headed for Paris last week for a 5 day bit of R&R. The girls were in a high state of excitement as would be expected. We rented an absolutely lovely apartment from http://www.alacarte-paris-apartments.com/ and spent our days sightseeing, going to the playground at the Luxembourg Gardens, and visiting the crepe stand on the Blvd. St. Germain nightly for dessert. In spite of the vast quantities of food I ingested, I managed to come back weighing less than when I went. God, I love Paris.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yippee it's done
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sooner or later it all comes down to plumbing

Further to my recurring theme of the vibrant social life the village affords, it's community septic tank pumping time again!
Apple Picking Time

Thursday, September 18, 2008
September is Soup Month

Every September I end up with a bumper crop of tomatoes and have to make numerous batches of soup to use them up. This year was no different. There's a reason the market in Ottawa is filled with stand after stand of farmers from Navan. The soil here is sandy loam, perfect for growing just about anything. I had 6 tomato plants in the back garden that yield lots of lovely red and yellow tomatoes. I've made 4 batches of soup and the freezer is full. There's nothing like hot homemade tomato soup on a cold February night to remind you that summer will indeed come again.
Here's the recipe:
3T olive oil
3T butter
2 med. onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
3 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 celery stalks chopped
12 large beefsteak tomatoes, chopped
1c. white wine
4-5 cups chicken stock
Fresh basil for garnish
In a really big sauce pan, heat oil and butter over med. high heat, add onions and garlic and sauté until soft (about 5 mins.).
Add carrots and celery and cook gently for another 20 mins – or until soft.
Add tomatoes and wine, mix together with the other vegetables in the pan, and then add just enough stock to make it the consistency you like (This year my tomatoes were so juicy that I just added one can of concentrated chicken stock for flavor, other years I’ve used the full 4-5 cups the recipe calls for).
Bring to a boil then turn down the heat and simmer for 40 mins. uncovered. Cool and puree in batches in a blender.
** You’ll end up with a lot of soup, but it freezes beautifully and tastes just as good when you defrost it.
Heat and serve garnished with basil - at this point you can also add cream, if you like a creamy soup.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sandwich Board Wars

Monday, September 15, 2008
A Night at the Opera
Sadly, we weren't there. We were in the big city at the Marriage of Figaro. Arguably the other end of the entertainment spectrum from the down home fun of the Bradley's party, but a fine evening as well. The reception afterwards was wonderful, and for once we got to stay and enjoy it because the girls were having a sleep-over at their cousins', so there was no babysitter to worry about getting home to. Yeah!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008